Grofer Clone App - Is that the Perfect app for Grocery Delivery?

It’s summer already stepping out has become a herculean chore in itself. And in times like these who wouldn’t want to get groceries delivered at their homes?

Well, we know people do, we asked about 100 regular grocery shoppers about their experience in visiting the supermarket.

Let us tell you, about 76 people said they wished there was a grocery delivery app and things were delivered to them. Around 26 people of the surveys said they were okay with going to the shop but it would be nice to have an app that would help them with shopping once in a while.


Okay we hope we have made our argument clear.

People need on demand grocery delivery app. If you are an entrepreneur with dreams of making it big then you must give people what they want. If your location doesn’t have one, then get in touch with a good firm to create it.

But, before everything it’s important to know the features of the app, feature that you are privy to as an admin, your customers and your partners.

Admin Dashboard

You are the admin and you can see and manage everything that goes around in the app. 

You can create Partner profiles and manage the whole commision stream

You can add features in your app as per the latest trends

Partner App

Proprietors of different grocery stores comprise of this segment; mostly the ones who have an established brick and mortar store

A partner’s app will have all the commissions and the deductions in detail

Inventory update form the crucial part of the partner app

Customer App

Has the option to redeem discounts and referral sharing options. 

Has the display of many household products from different vendors

Customer app has the most interactive design for easy maneuvering

Now, this is an app that you need to get for making your grocery delivery business successful.

Don’t think too much,

just get in touch with AppDupe and build your app with them. All the best for your venture!


  1. More details can be found here


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